MASN Requests Temporarily Suspended

MASN Requests Temporarily Suspended •

Mutual Aid

Support Network

Our community based network of mutual aid support is open to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color in Vermont.

Join MASN Today!

The Root Social Justice Center welcomes any BIPOC person living in the Brattleboro surrounding area or within the state of Vermont to request funds.

Request Funds

Option One

At this time we are offering support for:

Groceries, supplies, housing support, medical support, and other needs for thriving.

The Root Social Justice Center is considering mutual aid fund requests of up to $500 per Black, Indigenous, and People Of Color (BIPOC) individual in accordance with the priorities listed above and the amount of funds we receive to distribute.

Open request form or scroll down to the "How it works" section for more details.

Requests for funds temporarily suspended until our resources are replenished

Option Two

It's time to share our resources, build equity and get through these challenging times together.

100% of the funds we receive from your donation will be distributed to The Root’s MASN for BIPOC folks who request funds for thriving.

Click below and add “mutual aid support network” memo to directly make a difference now

Option Three

The Root is also building a network of intentional authentic relationships within our BIPOC community and with our dedicated white community, forming racial accountability partners. This network gives direct local support to BIPOC individuals and families on day to day living. 

If you are a person with gifts such as time or resources you are willing to offer to support the thriving of BIPOC in the Brattleboro surrounding area we ask you to sign up here. The Root will help to match your resources (what you're able to give) with the needs of our community. 

We thank everyone for all their generous support and for watering our Roots.


  1. Use this secure PayPal link.

  2. Select the amount of your contribution.

  3. Use the drop-down menu and click on “Mutual Aid Support Network”

  4. Choose your method of payment and enter all appropriate/relevant information.

  5. You’re done!

    (Optional) - Use this link to send us some donor feedback. We want to know what inspired you to help grow the movement for racial justice!

In response to the ongoing impacts of systemic racism and white supremacy culture, The Root continues to center Blackness and has reopened its (BIPOC) Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, Mutual Aid Supportive Network (MASN). 

Recognizing racism as a public health crisis, BIPOC communities are disproportionately impacted and affected by the toxic culture of white supremacy in our structural systems as well as within our communities. The impacts of white supremacy can be seen in the lives of BIPOC people not being able to access systems, receive adequate services or have the ability to fully thrive in our communities. Though we are not able to completely change the system today, we hope that we can support the lives of BIPOC folk in Vermont with this fund and by creating the network needed to support each other for the future. 

We have organized a BIPOC-centered Mutual Aid Support Network (MASN). This was largely the result of the feedback we received from our members and program participants and is outside of our formal programming and day to day operations. 

Fortunately, many local, regional, and statewide networks for mutual aid have been taking shape and we encourage accessing or contributing to networks in your local communities whenever possible. With that being said, to the best of our knowledge, we are currently one of the only mutual aid networks that have centered the needs, resources, abilities, and work of Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC) in Vermont. As we know, these are (and have historically been) the most negatively impacted members of our society; supporting this population is critical.

We are inviting anyone in the Greater Brattleboro area to be a part of the network. We are locally-focused, but we also welcome applications/requests from BIPOC in other areas of Vermont, based on our capacity and resources available. While we cannot guarantee that the level of support requested by an individual or family will be provided, we will continue to do our best to match those who have needs with providers, gifters, and donors with resources that are relevant to their needs. At the very least, we want to facilitate opportunities for relationship-building and supportive networking that will transcend this current time of need.

If you are in need of support and/or have resources you would like to offer to others you can join our growing network of support by emailing us today for more information.

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